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Business Computer Services
Small and Mid-Sized Businesses should receive the same level of service that large corporations receive. If you rely on the stability of your network for your business, you understand the need for the system to work. Downtime can result in lost clientele and must be prevented.

The big companies have in-house IT Departments, but the cost might not be feasible for your particular business. The IT Guy who works on the side may work for small start-ups and mom-and-pop shops, but your company might need someone more reliable when there is an emergency. Lucky for you there is another alternative. BridgeMark Systems offers services exclusively to small and mid-sized businesses that give them the reliability and response times of an in-house IT Department.
For a set, affordable monthly rate, we will take care of all of your computer work for you. BridgeMark Systems can come to you in the Central North Carolina area to keep your business running efficiently through regular PC repair, service, and upgrades.

Dedicated Managed Services
All of our services are fully managed, which means BridgeMark Systems oversees the setup of your server, security, data transfers, management of installed software, operating system, and any troubleshooting along the way. Fully Managed Services are ideal for companies with limited IT staff, technical knowledge, or time available for server management. Our Managed Dedicated Server packages allow you to tailor a customized server to meet your specific needs. With Collocation, you can host your hardware equipment in a world-class enterprise data center and network.

Data Networking
Successful construction of a data network begins with proper planning. Because your data center and networking components must interrelate with other support systems, it is imperative to understand your overall facility design and consider the logistics of how and where these systems will coexist.

Security Services
Computer security is the process of preventing and detecting unauthorized use of your computer. Prevention measures help you to stop unauthorized users (also known as “intruders”) from accessing any part of your computer system. Detection helps you to determine whether or not someone attempted to break into your system if they were successful, and what they may have done.

Managed Wireless Services
BridgeMark Systems offers a worry-free,   advanced wireless network to support your constantly evolving access needs. With this reliable service, you can support a flexible workforce and provide secure access to your customers, partners, and vendors.
Eliminate the hassles of implementation and management with BridgeMark Systems Managed WiFi – a fully managed turnkey solution.